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When you have an investigation or a digital discovery request

Digital Forensics - Support for Investigations and Digital Discovery


Digital Forensics is called for when your company faces the need to investigate possible wrongdoing by an employee or a contractor, or must support a Digital Discovery request for data relevant to litigation or prosecution of a crime.  "Forensics" by itself means anything that is to be presented in a Court of Law.  Qualified professionals must gather and analyze evidence in a way that comports with Federal Rules of Evidence (for criminal cases) or Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Civil Practice Laws and Rules for civil litigation.  The gathering, documentation and analysis of digital evidence must preserve the integrity of evidence and shows a properly documented chain of custody in order to ensure admissibility in court.  

Computer Technicians untrained in forensics procedures can do more harm than good by gathering evidence that fails to maintain provable integrity and a thoroughly documented chain of custody, resulting in evidence that is inadmissible even if it is accurate.  The Digital Forensics Investigator in most cases should work for the client's Legal Counsel and not directly for the client so that all evidence and work product resulting from the investigation is protected under attorney client privilege.  The Legal Counsel will also work with the investigator to ensure that multiple forensic images and other work product are produced and made available to opposing counsel during Discovery.  During Digital Discovery, experience is needed to automate the discovery process to the maximum extent possible.

The same disciplines involved in Digital Forensics are also used in Data Recovery to get back data after failure or a security incident - when you have a possible data loss, P3iSys can used advanced methods to help get some or all of your data back.

If you are dealing with an investigation or prosecution, time is of the essence!  We are available 24X7 to support urgent needs!  If you are facing the need to deal with fraud, embezzlement, child pornography or another instance of computer crime and you don't know who to turn to, P3iSys can not only help with the technology side of things.  We can refer you to law enforcement, forensic accountants and fraud investigators as appropriate - people who can manage your case professionally and expeditiously.  

Not sure if forensics applies?  Call our office now for a confidential preliminary interview.  If our help is not the right fit for you, we can point you to the proper authorities or investigators for your case.

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